addAboutListener(ActionListener) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.DefaultIgelMenu
Add a listener for the restart menu option.
addCellActionListener(CellActionListener) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.CellPanel
Add a CellActionListener, which reports mouse events in the cell
addCellActionListener(CellActionListener) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
addCellActionListener(CellActionListener) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.IIgelView
Add the specified listener to each cell in the board.
addExitListener(ActionListener) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.DefaultIgelMenu
Add a listener for the exit menu option.
addGameEventListener(IIgelGame.GameEventListener) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
addGameEventListener(IIgelGame.GameEventListener) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame
Add a IIgelGame.GameEventListener
addMenu(JMenuBar) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
addMenu(JMenuBar) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.IIgelView
Add a menu
addMouseListener(int, int, MouseListener) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
addMouseListener(int, int, MouseListener) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.IIgelView
Add the specified mouse listener to the sell at location [row, col]
addPassSidewaysMovePressedListener(ActionListener) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
addPassSidewaysMovePressedListener(ActionListener) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.IIgelView
Add a listener to respond when the user presses the "passSidewaysMove" button.
addRestartListener(ActionListener) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.DefaultIgelMenu
Add a listener for the restart menu option.
announceWin(int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame.GameEventListener
Reports that the game has been won
Artist - Interface in gvprojects.igel.view
An Artist draws the Cell in the GUI.


canMoveHedgehog(int, int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
canMoveHedgehog(int, int, int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
canMoveHedgehog(int, int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame
Return whether the the top hedgehog at [fromRow, fromColumn] can be moved forward.
canMoveHedgehog(int, int, int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame
Return whether the the top hedgehog at [fromRow, fromColumn] can be moved to column toColumn.
canPlaceHedgehog(int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
canPlaceHedgehog(int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame
returns true if the current player can place a hedgehog in row (applies to initial hedgehog placement only).
canSlideHedgehog(int, int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
canSlideHedgehog(int, int, int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
canSlideHedgehog(int, int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame
Return true if the current player can slide the hedgehog at [fromRow, fromColumn]
canSlideHedgehog(int, int, int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame
Return true if the current player can slide the hedgehog at [fromRow, fromColumn] to [toRow, fromColumn].
CellActionListener - Interface in gvprojects.igel.view
Listens for actions on cells in the GUI
cellClicked(int, int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.CellActionListener
Called when the user clicks on a cell
cellDragEntered(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.CellActionListener
Called when the mouse is dragged into a cell (i.e., enters the cell with the button pushed).
cellEntered(int, int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.CellActionListener
Called when the mouse enters a cell
cellExited(int, int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.CellActionListener
Called when the mouse exits a cell
CellPanel - Class in gvprojects.igel.view
A Swing JPanel representing a single square on the game board.
CellPanel(int, int, ICellState, Artist) - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.view.CellPanel
CellPanelArtist - Class in gvprojects.igel.view
Draws a picture of a corresponding IgelArgernFullPresenter game cell.
CellPanelArtist() - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.view.CellPanelArtist
cellPressed(int, int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.CellActionListener
Called when a user presses the mouse in a cell
cellReleased(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.CellActionListener
Called when the user releases the mouse on a cell.
CirclePanel - Class in gvprojects.igel.view
CirclePanel(Color) - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.view.CirclePanel
clearProposedEntry() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.CellPanel
Specify that no player is proposing to enter this cell
clearProposedMove() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
clearProposedMove() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.IIgelView
Cancels any currently displayed proposed moves.
close() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
Close the view (i.e., dispose of the underlying JFrame.
close() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.IIgelView
Close the view (i.e., close and dispose of the underlying JFrame).
ConcreteBlockArtist - Class in gvprojects.igel.view
Draw a concrete block
ConcreteBlockArtist() - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.view.ConcreteBlockArtist
configureAndLaunchGame(IgelGameParameters, Class<? extends IIgelGame>, Map<String, Artist>) - Static method in class gvprojects.igel.presenter.IgelArgernLauncher
currentDieValue() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IGameState
Get the current value on the die.
currentDieValue() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
return the current value of the die
currentMessage() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IGameState
Get the current message.
currentMessage() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
Get the current message.
currentPlayer() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IGameState
Return the current player's number.
currentPlayer() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas


DeepPitArtist - Class in gvprojects.igel.view
Draw a DeepPitCell
DeepPitArtist() - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.view.DeepPitArtist
DEFAULT_HOGS_TO_WIN - Static variable in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameParameters
DEFAULT_NUM_COLUMNS - Static variable in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameParameters
DEFAULT_NUM_HOGS - Static variable in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameParameters
DEFAULT_NUM_PLAYERS - Static variable in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameParameters
DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS - Static variable in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameParameters
defaultArtistMap() - Static method in class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
Return the default mapping of cell types to Artists.
DefaultIgelMenu - Class in gvprojects.igel.view
Builds a simple menu for an IgelArgern view
DefaultIgelMenu() - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.view.DefaultIgelMenu
displayDialogMessage(String, String) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
displayDialogMessage(String, String) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.IIgelView
Display a message in a dialog box
draw(CellPanel, Graphics, ICellState) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.presenter.PresenterToDemoView.SmileyArtist
draw(CellPanel, Graphics, ICellState) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.Artist
Draw this cell
draw(CellPanel, Graphics, ICellState) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.CellPanelArtist
draw(CellPanel, Graphics, ICellState) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.ConcreteBlockArtist
draw(CellPanel, Graphics, ICellState) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.DeepPitArtist
draw(CellPanel, Graphics, ICellState) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.FinishCellArtist


enableSidewaysViewButton(boolean) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
enableSidewaysViewButton(boolean) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.IIgelView
Enable or disable the "Pass Sideways Move" button


FinishCellArtist - Class in gvprojects.igel.view
FinishCellArtist() - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.view.FinishCellArtist
finished() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.presenter.IgelArgernClickOnly.GameEndListener
finished() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.presenter.IgelArgernFullPresenter.GameEndListener


getCell(int, int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IGameState
return the ICellState object at the given location
getCell(int, int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
return the ICellState object at the given location
getMenuBar() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.DefaultIgelMenu
return the default menu bar
getParameters() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.config.IgelConfigKurmas
Get the current value of all the parameters
getPermission(String) - Static method in class gvprojects.igel.view.DefaultIgelMenu
Get permission for an activity (reset, quit, etc)
getProposedEntry() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.CellPanel
returns the number of the player who is proposing to enter this square, or CellPanel.NONE if there are no proposed entries.
getSelectedFile() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.config.IgelConfigKurmas
Return the selected file
getState() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
getState() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame
get a read-only view of the game's current state.
getValue() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.GVDiePanel
gets the current value of the die (1 - 6)
GVDiePanel - Class in gvprojects.igel.view
A graphical representation of a six-sided die.
GVDiePanel(int, int) - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.view.GVDiePanel
constructor creates a die of specified size X size pixels
GVDiePanel() - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.view.GVDiePanel
default constructor creates a die of size 100 X 100 pixels
gvprojects.igel - package gvprojects.igel
gvprojects.igel.config - package gvprojects.igel.config
gvprojects.igel.model - package gvprojects.igel.model
gvprojects.igel.presenter - package gvprojects.igel.presenter
gvprojects.igel.view - package gvprojects.igel.view


HEDGEHOG_COLORS - Static variable in interface gvprojects.igel.view.Artist
hedgehogsPerPlayer() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IGameState
Return the number of hedgehogs per player.
hedgehogsPerPlayer() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
hedgehogsPerPlayer - Variable in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameParameters
Number of hedgehogs controlled by each player
hedgehogsToWin - Variable in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameParameters
Number of hedgehogs that must cross the finish line for a win.
hideTop() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.CellPanel
Should the top hedgehog be hidden? (Used to illustrate proposed moves.)


ICellState - Interface in gvprojects.igel.model
Interface describing the state of a single cell on an Igel Argern game board.
IGameState - Interface in gvprojects.igel.model
Interface describing the state of an IgelArgernFullPresenter game
IgelArgern - Class in gvprojects.igel
Launch gvprojects.igel.IgelArgern using provided view (IgelViewKurmas, presenters (IgelArgernFullPresenter and IgelArgernClickOnly), and model (IgelGameKurmas)
IgelArgern() - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.IgelArgern
IgelArgernClickOnly - Class in gvprojects.igel.presenter
Example presenter that (1) interacts with the view using clicks only, and (2) interacts with the model without using "polling" callbacks.
IgelArgernClickOnly(IIgelView, IIgelGame, IgelArgernClickOnly.GameEndListener) - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.presenter.IgelArgernClickOnly
IgelArgernClickOnly.GameEndListener - Interface in gvprojects.igel.presenter
Callback announcing the end of a game.
IgelArgernFullPresenter - Class in gvprojects.igel.presenter
Full/Fancy presenter for Igel Argern game.
IgelArgernFullPresenter(IIgelView, IIgelGame, IgelArgernFullPresenter.GameEndListener) - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.presenter.IgelArgernFullPresenter
IgelArgernFullPresenter.GameEndListener - Interface in gvprojects.igel.presenter
Allows the presenter to announce that a game has ended.
IgelArgernLauncher - Class in gvprojects.igel.presenter
Configures and launches an gvprojects.igel.IgelArgern game using either the simple or complex presenter
IgelArgernLauncher() - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.presenter.IgelArgernLauncher
IgelConfigKurmas - Class in gvprojects.igel.config
Dialog allowing users to configure Igel Argern game.
IgelConfigKurmas(IgelGameParameters, IgelConfigKurmas.GameLauncher) - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.config.IgelConfigKurmas
IgelConfigKurmas.GameLauncher - Interface in gvprojects.igel.config
Code to call when the user presses "Start"
IgelConfigKurmas.PresenterType - Enum in gvprojects.igel.config
IgelGameKurmas - Class in gvprojects.igel.model
Game engine for Igel Argern
IgelGameKurmas(IgelGameParameters) - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
IgelGameKurmas(IgelGameParameters, InputStream) - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
Constructor allowing configuration from a file (or other stream source).
IgelGameParameters - Class in gvprojects.igel.model
Describes the basic configuration of a basic game.
IgelGameParameters() - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameParameters
Default constructor.
IgelGameParameters(int, int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameParameters
IgelViewKurmas - Class in gvprojects.igel.view
Example view for IgelArgern
IgelViewKurmas(IGameState, Map<String, Artist>) - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
IgelViewKurmas(IGameState) - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
Constructor that uses a default artist map.
IIgelGame - Interface in gvprojects.igel.model
A game of Igel Argern
IIgelGame.GameEventListener - Interface in gvprojects.igel.model
Listens for game events
IIgelView - Interface in gvprojects.igel.view
The GUI for a game of Igel Argern
IllegalMoveException - Exception in gvprojects.igel.model
Thrown when an illegal move is attempted.
IllegalMoveException(String) - Constructor for exception gvprojects.igel.model.IllegalMoveException


launch(IgelConfigKurmas) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.config.IgelConfigKurmas.GameLauncher


main(String[]) - Static method in class gvprojects.igel.IgelArgern
main(String[]) - Static method in class gvprojects.igel.MyIgelArgern
main(String[]) - Static method in class gvprojects.igel.presenter.MVPDemoSidewaysButton
main(String[]) - Static method in class gvprojects.igel.presenter.PresenterToDemoView
messageChanged(String) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame.GameEventListener
Called when message changes
moveHedgehog(int, int, int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
moveHedgehog(int, int, int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame
Move the top hedgehog at [fromRow, fromColumn] to column toColumn.
MVPDemoSidewaysButton - Class in gvprojects.igel.presenter
Partial presenter code demonstrating how to "wire up" the "pass sideways move" button
MVPDemoSidewaysButton() - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.presenter.MVPDemoSidewaysButton
MyIgelArgern - Class in gvprojects.igel
MyIgelArgern() - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.MyIgelArgern


noForwardMove(int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame.GameEventListener
Report that there are no tokens to move in row
NONE - Static variable in class gvprojects.igel.view.CellPanel
numColumns() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IGameState
return the number of columns on the board.
numColumns() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
numColumns - Variable in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameParameters
Number of columns on the board.
numPlayers() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IGameState
Return the number of players.
numPlayers() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
numPlayers - Variable in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameParameters
Number of players
numRows() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IGameState
return the number of rows on the board.
numRows() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
numRows - Variable in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameParameters
Number of rows on the board.


obstacleType - Variable in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameParameters
A String specifying which type of obstacle should be used for this game.


paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.CellPanel
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.CirclePanel
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.GVDiePanel
Display the current value of the die.
passSidewaysMove() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
passSidewaysMove() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame
Pass the current user's sideways move.
phase() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IGameState
Return the current game phase.
phase() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
Phase - Enum in gvprojects.igel.model
Different phases of a game of Igel Argern
phaseChanged(Phase) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame.GameEventListener
Reports a phase change
placeHedgehog(int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
placeHedgehog(int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame
Make an initial placement of one of the current player's hedgehogs in row and increment the current player.
playerAtDepth(int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.ICellState
return the number of the player at the given depth
PresenterToDemoView - Class in gvprojects.igel.presenter
A presenter that illustrates how to use IgelViewKurmas
PresenterToDemoView() - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.presenter.PresenterToDemoView
PresenterToDemoView.SmileyArtist - Class in gvprojects.igel.presenter
PresenterToDemoView.SmileyArtist() - Constructor for class gvprojects.igel.presenter.PresenterToDemoView.SmileyArtist
presenterType() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.config.IgelConfigKurmas
Get the currently selected presenter type.


quickLayout() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
Make an initial placement of all hedgehogs in round-robin order.


roll(int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame.GameEventListener
Reports a die roll
rollTo(int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.GVDiePanel
Updates the image after obtaining a random value in the range 1 - 6.


setBlank() - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.GVDiePanel
Set the die face to blank
setDelay(int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.GVDiePanel
Set the delay in milliseconds between frames of the animation.
setForeground(Color) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.GVDiePanel
Sets the color of the dots
setHideTop(boolean) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.CellPanel
Specify whether the hedgehog at the top of the stack should be hidden.
setNextRolls(Integer) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
Set the value of the die rolls.
setNextRolls(Integer) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame
Set the value of the die rolls.
setNumRolls(int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.GVDiePanel
Set the number of rolls before stopping the animation.
setProposedEntry(int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.CellPanel
Specify that player is proposing to enter this cell
setProposedMoveSource(int, int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
Mark this cell as the starting point of a proposed move and suppress the drawing of this piece (because it is drawn translucently in the proposed target square).
setProposedMoveSource(int, int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.IIgelView
Mark this cell as the starting point of a proposed move.
setProposedMoveTarget(int, int, int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
Specify that the user has proposed moving a hedgehog into the given cell and draw a translucent piece in the specified square.
setProposedMoveTarget(int, int, int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.IIgelView
Specify that the user has proposed moving a hedgehog into the given cell.
size() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.ICellState
return the number of hedgehogs in this cell.
slideHedgehog(int, int, int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.model.IgelGameKurmas
Slide the hedgehog at the top of the specified cell to the specified row.
slideHedgehog(int, int, int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.IIgelGame
Move the current player's hedgehog from row fromRow to toRow


type() - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.model.ICellState
The type of this cell.


update(IGameState) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
update(IGameState) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.IIgelView
Update the view to reflect the current game state.
updateDie(int) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
updateDie(int) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.IIgelView
Update the die to show the results of a recent roll
updateMessage(String) - Method in class gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
updateMessage(String) - Method in interface gvprojects.igel.view.IIgelView
Updates the message that is displayed.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gvprojects.igel.config.IgelConfigKurmas.PresenterType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gvprojects.igel.model.Phase
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum gvprojects.igel.config.IgelConfigKurmas.PresenterType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gvprojects.igel.model.Phase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.