Class IgelViewKurmas

  extended by gvprojects.igel.view.IgelViewKurmas
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IgelViewKurmas
extends java.lang.Object
implements IIgelView

Example view for IgelArgern

Zachary Kurmas

Constructor Summary
IgelViewKurmas(IGameState gameState)
          Constructor that uses a default artist map.
IgelViewKurmas(IGameState gameState, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Artist> map)
Method Summary
 void addCellActionListener(CellActionListener cellActionListener)
          Add the specified listener to each cell in the board.
 void addMenu(javax.swing.JMenuBar menu)
          Add a menu
 void addMouseListener(int row, int col, java.awt.event.MouseListener listener)
          Add the specified mouse listener to the sell at location [row, col]
 void addPassSidewaysMovePressedListener(java.awt.event.ActionListener actionListener)
          Add a listener to respond when the user presses the "passSidewaysMove" button.
 void clearProposedMove()
          Cancels any currently displayed proposed moves.
 void close()
          Close the view (i.e., dispose of the underlying JFrame.
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Artist> defaultArtistMap()
          Return the default mapping of cell types to Artists.
 void displayDialogMessage(java.lang.String message, java.lang.String title)
          Display a message in a dialog box
 void enableSidewaysViewButton(boolean enable)
          Enable or disable the "Pass Sideways Move" button
 void setProposedMoveSource(int row, int column)
          Mark this cell as the starting point of a proposed move and suppress the drawing of this piece (because it is drawn translucently in the proposed target square).
 void setProposedMoveTarget(int row, int column, int player)
          Specify that the user has proposed moving a hedgehog into the given cell and draw a translucent piece in the specified square.
 void update(IGameState state)
          Update the view to reflect the current game state.
 void updateDie(int newValue)
          Update the die to show the results of a recent roll
 void updateMessage(java.lang.String newMessage)
          Updates the message that is displayed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IgelViewKurmas(IGameState gameState,
                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Artist> map)

gameState - object describing the state of the game (The IGameState object describes the game configuration: board size, location of obstacles, obstacle type, etc.)
map - a map of Strings to the Artists that handle Cells of the specified type.


public IgelViewKurmas(IGameState gameState)
Constructor that uses a default artist map.

gameState - object describing the state of the game
Method Detail


public void addCellActionListener(CellActionListener cellActionListener)
Description copied from interface: IIgelView
Add the specified listener to each cell in the board.

Specified by:
addCellActionListener in interface IIgelView
cellActionListener - the listener


public void addMouseListener(int row,
                             int col,
                             java.awt.event.MouseListener listener)
Description copied from interface: IIgelView
Add the specified mouse listener to the sell at location [row, col]

Specified by:
addMouseListener in interface IIgelView
row - the row
col - the column
listener - a MouseListener


public void update(IGameState state)
Description copied from interface: IIgelView
Update the view to reflect the current game state.

Specified by:
update in interface IIgelView
state - the current game state


public void addPassSidewaysMovePressedListener(java.awt.event.ActionListener actionListener)
Description copied from interface: IIgelView
Add a listener to respond when the user presses the "passSidewaysMove" button.

Specified by:
addPassSidewaysMovePressedListener in interface IIgelView
actionListener - a listener to respond when the user presses the "passSidewaysMove" button.


public void enableSidewaysViewButton(boolean enable)
Description copied from interface: IIgelView
Enable or disable the "Pass Sideways Move" button

Specified by:
enableSidewaysViewButton in interface IIgelView
enable - true if the button is to be enabled, false if the button is to be disabled.


public void displayDialogMessage(java.lang.String message,
                                 java.lang.String title)
Description copied from interface: IIgelView
Display a message in a dialog box

Specified by:
displayDialogMessage in interface IIgelView
message - the main message (the one that appears in the center of the box)
title - the title of the dialog box


public void close()
Close the view (i.e., dispose of the underlying JFrame.

Specified by:
close in interface IIgelView


public void addMenu(javax.swing.JMenuBar menu)
Description copied from interface: IIgelView
Add a menu

Specified by:
addMenu in interface IIgelView
menu - the menu


public void setProposedMoveSource(int row,
                                  int column)
Mark this cell as the starting point of a proposed move and suppress the drawing of this piece (because it is drawn translucently in the proposed target square).

Specified by:
setProposedMoveSource in interface IIgelView
row - the row
column - the column
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either row or column is not valid


public void setProposedMoveTarget(int row,
                                  int column,
                                  int player)
Specify that the user has proposed moving a hedgehog into the given cell and draw a translucent piece in the specified square.

Specified by:
setProposedMoveTarget in interface IIgelView
row - the row
column - the column
player - the player number
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either row or column are out of range.


public void clearProposedMove()
Description copied from interface: IIgelView
Cancels any currently displayed proposed moves.

Specified by:
clearProposedMove in interface IIgelView


public void updateMessage(java.lang.String newMessage)
Description copied from interface: IIgelView
Updates the message that is displayed.

Specified by:
updateMessage in interface IIgelView
newMessage - the new message to display


public void updateDie(int newValue)
Description copied from interface: IIgelView
Update the die to show the results of a recent roll

Specified by:
updateDie in interface IIgelView
newValue - the new value for the die


public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Artist> defaultArtistMap()
Return the default mapping of cell types to Artists.

the default mapping of cell types to Artists.