Package gvprojects.igel.presenter

Interface Summary
IgelArgernClickOnly.GameEndListener Callback announcing the end of a game.
IgelArgernFullPresenter.GameEndListener Allows the presenter to announce that a game has ended.

Class Summary
IgelArgernClickOnly Example presenter that (1) interacts with the view using clicks only, and (2) interacts with the model without using "polling" callbacks.
IgelArgernFullPresenter Full/Fancy presenter for Igel Argern game.
IgelArgernLauncher Configures and launches an gvprojects.igel.IgelArgern game using either the simple or complex presenter
MVPDemoSidewaysButton Partial presenter code demonstrating how to "wire up" the "pass sideways move" button
PresenterToDemoView A presenter that illustrates how to use IgelViewKurmas