Uses of Class

Packages that use SteppedGridAppController

Uses of SteppedGridAppController in edu.kzoo.grid.gui

Subclasses of SteppedGridAppController in edu.kzoo.grid.gui
 class ActiveGridAppController
          Grid GUI Support Package:
An ActiveGridAppController controls the running of a grid application.

Fields in edu.kzoo.grid.gui declared as SteppedGridAppController
protected  SteppedGridAppController SteppedGridAppFrame.appController

Methods in edu.kzoo.grid.gui that return SteppedGridAppController
 SteppedGridAppController SteppedGridAppFrame.getController()
          Returns the controller used to drive the application.

Constructors in edu.kzoo.grid.gui with parameters of type SteppedGridAppController
SteppedGridAppFrame(SteppedGridAppController control, boolean displayAfterEachStep)
          Constructs an empty SteppedGridAppFrame window object that will display a grid controlled by a combination of Step, NSteps, Run, and Stop buttons.