Package edu.kzoo.grid.gui

Interface Summary
GridChangeListener Grid GUI Support Package:
The GridChangeListener interface specifies the method used to notify GridChangeListener objects of changes to the grid.
GridDataFileHandler Grid GUI Support Package:
The GridDataFileHandler interface specifies methods for reading grid information from a file and writing it to a file.

Class Summary
ActiveGridAppController Grid GUI Support Package:
An ActiveGridAppController controls the running of a grid application.
ColorChoiceDDMenu Grid GUI Support Package:
The ColorChoiceDDMenu class provides a drop-down menu for choosing a color.
ColorChoiceDDMenu.ColorChoice Nested class used to hold the per-item information for the entries in the combo box of color choices.
ColorChoiceDDMenu.ColorIcon Nested class used to draw the color swatch icon used for color choice entries in the color combo box.
ControlButton Grid GUI Support Package:
The ControlButton class represents a button whose button action runs in the same thread as the rest of the graphical user interface.
EnabledDisabledStates Grid GUI Support Package:
The EnabledDisabledStates class provides a set of constants describing possible criteria for graphical user interface components to be enabled or disabled.
FileMenuActionHandler Grid GUI Support Package:
The FileMenuActionHandler class implements the methods used by the File menu defined in GridAppFrame.
GeneratedButtonList Grid GUI Support Package:
A GeneratedButtonList object creates a group of control buttons based on the methods of another class.
GridAppFrame Grid GUI Support Package:
The GridAppFrame class provides a window in which to display a grid and its contents.
GridAppFrame.GUIExceptionHandler Nested class that is registered as the handler for exceptions on the Swing event thread.
GridChoiceComboBox Grid GUI Support Package:
A GridChoiceComboBox is a dialog that allows the user to choose the type of grid to be created and, if appropriate, its dimensions.
GridCreationDialog Grid GUI Support Package:
A GridCreationDialog is a dialog that allows the user to construct a new grid, choosing its type (bounded or unbounded) and, if appropriate, its dimensions.
GridEditor Grid GUI Support Package:
The GridEditor class provides a window in which to edit a grid.
GridFileChooser Grid GUI Support Package:
A GridFileChooser is a JFileChooser subclass that adds some specialized behavior for opening and saving grid data files.
GridPkgFactory Grid GUI Support Package:
The GridPkgFactory class provides a set of static methods for constructing grids and the objects they contain, and for keeping track of what types of grids or grid objects are available to a specific application.
SteppedGridAppController Grid GUI Support Package:
A SteppedGridAppController controls the running of a stepped grid application.
SteppedGridAppFrame Grid GUI Support Package:
The SteppedGridAppFrame class provides a window in which to run and display a grid application controlled by the user via a combination of Step, NSteps, Run, and Stop buttons.
ThreadedControlButton Grid GUI Support Package:
The ThreadedControlButton class represents a button whose button action runs in its own thread.