Uses of Class

Packages that use GridCreationDialog

Uses of GridCreationDialog in edu.kzoo.grid.gui

Methods in edu.kzoo.grid.gui that return GridCreationDialog
static GridCreationDialog GridCreationDialog.makeDimensionsDialog(javax.swing.JFrame parent)
          Creates a dialog that creates a BoundedGrid object after prompting the user for its dimensions.
static GridCreationDialog GridCreationDialog.makeGridChoiceDialog(javax.swing.JFrame parent)
          Creates a dialog that allows the user to choose the type of grid to create and, if appropriate, its dimensions.
protected  GridCreationDialog FileMenuActionHandler.getGridCreationDialog()
          Gets the dialog used previously (if any) for grid creation.
protected  GridCreationDialog FileMenuActionHandler.createGridCreationDialog()
          Creates a grid creation dialog.