Packages that use GridObject | |
edu.kzoo.grid | |
edu.kzoo.grid.display |
Uses of GridObject in edu.kzoo.grid |
Subclasses of GridObject in edu.kzoo.grid | |
class |
Grid Container Package: A ColorBlock object encapsulates a color for a colored
cell in a grid. |
class |
Grid Container Package: A PictureBlock object encapsulates a picture (an image
read from a file) to be put in a cell in a grid. |
class |
Grid Container Package: A TextCell object encapsulates text to go in a
cell in a grid. |
Methods in edu.kzoo.grid that return GridObject | |
GridObject[] |
Returns all the objects in this grid. |
GridObject |
Grid.objectAt(Location loc)
Returns the object at a specific location in this grid. |
GridObject[] |
Returns all the objects in this grid. |
GridObject |
Grid.InternalRepresentation.objectAt(Location loc)
Returns the object at a specific location in this grid. |
GridObject[] |
Returns all the objects in this grid. |
GridObject |
BoundedGrid.Array2DGridRep.objectAt(Location loc)
Returns the object at a specific location in this grid. |
GridObject[] |
Returns all the objects in this grid. |
GridObject |
ArrayListGrid.ArrayListGridRep.objectAt(Location loc)
Returns the object at a specific location in this grid. |
Methods in edu.kzoo.grid with parameters of type GridObject | |
void |
Grid.add(GridObject obj,
Location loc)
Adds a new object to this grid at the specified location. |
void |
Grid.remove(GridObject obj)
Removes the specified object from this grid. |
void |
Grid.InternalRepresentation.add(GridObject obj)
Adds a new object to this environment at the location it specifies. |
void |
Grid.InternalRepresentation.remove(GridObject obj)
Removes the object from this environment. |
void |
BoundedGrid.Array2DGridRep.add(GridObject obj)
Adds a new object to this internal grid representation at the location it specifies. |
void |
BoundedGrid.Array2DGridRep.remove(GridObject obj)
Removes the object from this internal grid representation. |
void |
ArrayListGrid.ArrayListGridRep.add(GridObject obj)
Adds a new object to this internal grid representation at the location it specifies. |
void |
ArrayListGrid.ArrayListGridRep.remove(GridObject obj)
Removes the object from this internal grid representation. |
Uses of GridObject in edu.kzoo.grid.display |
Methods in edu.kzoo.grid.display with parameters of type GridObject | |
void |
TextDisplay.draw(GridObject obj,
java.awt.Component comp,
java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
Draws the given object. |
protected java.lang.String |
TextDisplay.getText(GridObject obj)
Gets the text string to draw. |
protected java.awt.Color |
TextDisplay.getTextColor(GridObject obj)
Gets the text color. |
protected java.lang.Object |
TextDisplay.invokeAccessorMethod(GridObject obj,
java.lang.String methodName)
Invokes the named method on the specified object. |
protected java.lang.String |
TextCellDisplay.getText(GridObject obj)
Gets the text string to draw. |
protected java.awt.Color |
TextCellDisplay.getTextColor(GridObject obj)
Gets the text color. |
protected void |
ScrollableGridDisplay.drawGridObject(java.awt.Graphics2D g2,
GridObject obj)
Draws one GridObject instance. |
void |
ScaledImageTintDecorator.decorate(ScaledDisplay sd,
GridObject obj,
java.awt.Component comp,
java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
Decorate the ScaledImageDisplay so that it appears tinted. |
void |
ScaledImageDisplay.draw(GridObject obj,
java.awt.Component comp,
java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
Draws a unit-length object using an image. |
void |
ScaledImageDisplay.tint(GridObject obj,
java.awt.Component comp,
java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
Adjusts the graphics system to use an object's color to tint an image. |
abstract void |
ScaledDisplay.draw(GridObject obj,
java.awt.Component comp,
java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
Draw the given GridObject object. |
void |
ScaledDisplay.draw(GridObject obj,
java.awt.Component comp,
java.awt.Graphics2D g2,
java.awt.Rectangle rect)
Draw the given object. |
void |
ScaledDisplay.adjust(GridObject obj,
java.awt.Component comp,
java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
Adjusts the graphics system for drawing an object, as appropriate. |
void |
RotatedDecorator.decorate(ScaledDisplay sd,
GridObject obj,
java.awt.Component comp,
java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
Apply the rotating aspect of the decoration. |
static void |
RotatedDecorator.adjustForDirection(GridObject obj,
java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
Adjusts the graphics system for drawing an object with direction. |
void |
PictureBlockDisplay.draw(GridObject obj,
java.awt.Component comp,
java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
Draws a unit-length object using an image. |
void |
GridObjectDisplay.draw(GridObject obj,
java.awt.Component c,
java.awt.Graphics2D g2,
java.awt.Rectangle rect)
Method invoked to draw a GridObject. |
static GridObjectDisplay |
DisplayMap.findDisplayFor(GridObject obj)
Finds a display class that knows how to display the given object. |
void |
DisplayDecorator.decorate(ScaledDisplay sd,
GridObject obj,
java.awt.Component comp,
java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
protected java.lang.String |
DefaultDisplay.getText(GridObject obj)
Gets the text string to draw. |
void |
ColorBlockDisplay.draw(GridObject obj,
java.awt.Component comp,
java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
Draw the given object as a block of color. |