Uses of Class

Packages that use GridObject

Uses of GridObject in edu.kzoo.grid

Subclasses of GridObject in edu.kzoo.grid
 class ColorBlock
          Grid Container Package:
A ColorBlock object encapsulates a color for a colored cell in a grid.
 class PictureBlock
          Grid Container Package:
A PictureBlock object encapsulates a picture (an image read from a file) to be put in a cell in a grid.
 class TextCell
          Grid Container Package:
A TextCell object encapsulates text to go in a cell in a grid.

Methods in edu.kzoo.grid that return GridObject
 GridObject[] Grid.allObjects()
          Returns all the objects in this grid.
 GridObject Grid.objectAt(Location loc)
          Returns the object at a specific location in this grid.
 GridObject[] Grid.InternalRepresentation.allObjects()
          Returns all the objects in this grid.
 GridObject Grid.InternalRepresentation.objectAt(Location loc)
          Returns the object at a specific location in this grid.
 GridObject[] BoundedGrid.Array2DGridRep.allObjects()
          Returns all the objects in this grid.
 GridObject BoundedGrid.Array2DGridRep.objectAt(Location loc)
          Returns the object at a specific location in this grid.
 GridObject[] ArrayListGrid.ArrayListGridRep.allObjects()
          Returns all the objects in this grid.
 GridObject ArrayListGrid.ArrayListGridRep.objectAt(Location loc)
          Returns the object at a specific location in this grid.

Methods in edu.kzoo.grid with parameters of type GridObject
 void Grid.add(GridObject obj, Location loc)
          Adds a new object to this grid at the specified location.
 void Grid.remove(GridObject obj)
          Removes the specified object from this grid.
 void Grid.InternalRepresentation.add(GridObject obj)
          Adds a new object to this environment at the location it specifies.
 void Grid.InternalRepresentation.remove(GridObject obj)
          Removes the object from this environment.
 void BoundedGrid.Array2DGridRep.add(GridObject obj)
          Adds a new object to this internal grid representation at the location it specifies.
 void BoundedGrid.Array2DGridRep.remove(GridObject obj)
          Removes the object from this internal grid representation.
 void ArrayListGrid.ArrayListGridRep.add(GridObject obj)
          Adds a new object to this internal grid representation at the location it specifies.
 void ArrayListGrid.ArrayListGridRep.remove(GridObject obj)
          Removes the object from this internal grid representation.

Uses of GridObject in edu.kzoo.grid.display

Methods in edu.kzoo.grid.display with parameters of type GridObject
 void TextDisplay.draw(GridObject obj, java.awt.Component comp, java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
          Draws the given object.
protected  java.lang.String TextDisplay.getText(GridObject obj)
          Gets the text string to draw.
protected  java.awt.Color TextDisplay.getTextColor(GridObject obj)
          Gets the text color.
protected  java.lang.Object TextDisplay.invokeAccessorMethod(GridObject obj, java.lang.String methodName)
          Invokes the named method on the specified object.
protected  java.lang.String TextCellDisplay.getText(GridObject obj)
          Gets the text string to draw.
protected  java.awt.Color TextCellDisplay.getTextColor(GridObject obj)
          Gets the text color.
protected  void ScrollableGridDisplay.drawGridObject(java.awt.Graphics2D g2, GridObject obj)
          Draws one GridObject instance.
 void ScaledImageTintDecorator.decorate(ScaledDisplay sd, GridObject obj, java.awt.Component comp, java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
          Decorate the ScaledImageDisplay so that it appears tinted.
 void ScaledImageDisplay.draw(GridObject obj, java.awt.Component comp, java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
          Draws a unit-length object using an image.
 void ScaledImageDisplay.tint(GridObject obj, java.awt.Component comp, java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
          Adjusts the graphics system to use an object's color to tint an image.
abstract  void ScaledDisplay.draw(GridObject obj, java.awt.Component comp, java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
          Draw the given GridObject object.
 void ScaledDisplay.draw(GridObject obj, java.awt.Component comp, java.awt.Graphics2D g2, java.awt.Rectangle rect)
          Draw the given object.
 void ScaledDisplay.adjust(GridObject obj, java.awt.Component comp, java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
          Adjusts the graphics system for drawing an object, as appropriate.
 void RotatedDecorator.decorate(ScaledDisplay sd, GridObject obj, java.awt.Component comp, java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
          Apply the rotating aspect of the decoration.
static void RotatedDecorator.adjustForDirection(GridObject obj, java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
          Adjusts the graphics system for drawing an object with direction.
 void PictureBlockDisplay.draw(GridObject obj, java.awt.Component comp, java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
          Draws a unit-length object using an image.
 void GridObjectDisplay.draw(GridObject obj, java.awt.Component c, java.awt.Graphics2D g2, java.awt.Rectangle rect)
          Method invoked to draw a GridObject.
static GridObjectDisplay DisplayMap.findDisplayFor(GridObject obj)
          Finds a display class that knows how to display the given object.
 void DisplayDecorator.decorate(ScaledDisplay sd, GridObject obj, java.awt.Component comp, java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
protected  java.lang.String DefaultDisplay.getText(GridObject obj)
          Gets the text string to draw.
 void ColorBlockDisplay.draw(GridObject obj, java.awt.Component comp, java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
          Draw the given object as a block of color.