Class TextCell


public class TextCell
extends GridObject

Grid Container Package:
A TextCell object encapsulates text to go in a cell in a grid.

13 December 2003
Alyce Brady
See Also:
Grid, Location

Constructor Summary
TextCell(java.lang.String text)
          Constructs a text cell with the specified text and a default color of black.
TextCell(java.lang.String text, java.awt.Color textColor)
          Constructs a text cell with the specified text and color.
TextCell(java.lang.String text, java.awt.Color textColor, Grid grid, Location loc)
          Constructs a text cell at a given location of a grid with the specified text and color.
TextCell(java.lang.String text, Grid grid, Location loc)
          Constructs a text cell at a given location of a grid with the specified text and a default color of black.
Method Summary
 java.awt.Color color()
          Gets color of text.
 java.lang.String text()
          Gets text in this text cell.
Methods inherited from class edu.kzoo.grid.GridObject
act, addToGrid, changeLocation, grid, isInAGrid, location, removeFromGrid, theGridObjectInvariantHolds, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TextCell(java.lang.String text)
Constructs a text cell with the specified text and a default color of black.

text - the text to go in this cell


public TextCell(java.lang.String text,
                java.awt.Color textColor)
Constructs a text cell with the specified text and color.

text - the text to go in this cell
textColor - the color of the text


public TextCell(java.lang.String text,
                Grid grid,
                Location loc)
Constructs a text cell at a given location of a grid with the specified text and a default color of black.

text - the text to go in this cell
grid - the grid containing this text cell
loc - the location of the text cell in grid


public TextCell(java.lang.String text,
                java.awt.Color textColor,
                Grid grid,
                Location loc)
Constructs a text cell at a given location of a grid with the specified text and color.

text - the text to go in this cell
textColor - the color of the text
grid - the grid containing this text cell
loc - the location of the text cell in grid
Method Detail


public java.lang.String text()
Gets text in this text cell.


public java.awt.Color color()
Gets color of text.