Uses of Class

Packages that use Direction

Uses of Direction in edu.kzoo.grid

Fields in edu.kzoo.grid declared as Direction
static Direction Direction.NORTH
static Direction Direction.NORTHEAST
static Direction Direction.EAST
static Direction Direction.SOUTHEAST
static Direction Direction.SOUTH
static Direction Direction.SOUTHWEST
static Direction Direction.WEST
static Direction Direction.NORTHWEST

Methods in edu.kzoo.grid that return Direction
 Direction Grid.randomDirection()
          Generates a random direction.
 Direction Grid.getDirection(Location fromLoc, Location toLoc)
          Returns the direction from one location to another.
 Direction Direction.toRight()
          Returns the direction that is a quarter turn to the right of this Direction object.
 Direction Direction.toRight(int deg)
          Returns the direction that is deg degrees to the right of this Direction object.
 Direction Direction.toLeft()
          Returns the direction that is a quarter turn to the left of this Direction object.
 Direction Direction.toLeft(int deg)
          Returns the direction that is deg degrees to the left of this Direction object.
 Direction Direction.reverse()
          Returns the direction that is the reverse of this Direction object.
 Direction Direction.roundedDir(int numDirections, Direction startingDir)
          Rounds this direction to the nearest "cardinal" direction (will not be tested on the Advanced Placement exam).
static Direction Direction.randomDirection()
          Returns a random direction.

Methods in edu.kzoo.grid with parameters of type Direction
 Location Grid.getNeighbor(Location fromLoc, Direction compassDir)
          Returns the adjacent neighbor (whether valid or invalid) of a location in the specified direction.
 Direction Direction.roundedDir(int numDirections, Direction startingDir)
          Rounds this direction to the nearest "cardinal" direction (will not be tested on the Advanced Placement exam).

Uses of Direction in edu.kzoo.grid.display

Constructors in edu.kzoo.grid.display with parameters of type Direction
RotatedDecorator(Direction d)
          Construct a new RotatedDecorator that can be added to a ScaledDisplay.

Uses of Direction in edu.kzoo.grid.gui

Methods in edu.kzoo.grid.gui with parameters of type Direction
static java.lang.Object GridPkgFactory.constructGridObject(java.lang.Class cls, Grid grid, Location loc, Direction dir)
          Creates an instance of the given grid object class using a three-argument constructor that takes a grid, a location, and a direction.
static java.lang.Object GridPkgFactory.constructGridObject(java.lang.Class cls, Grid grid, Location loc, Direction dir, java.awt.Color color)
          Creates an instance of the given grid object class using a four-argument constructor that takes a grid, a location, a direction, and a color.