Rocket Landing Simulator

Gate Check #4 - Artificial Intelligence
Go Back to the Assignment Description

Part 1 (Overview) - Part 2 (Getting Ready) - Part 3 (AI Logic Part I) - Part 4 (AI Logic Part II) - Part 5 (AI Training)


In this gate check, you will develop an Artificial Intelligence that can land the rocket on the boat without human assistance. Your code will track the rocket's location in relation to the boat, and fire the appropriate thrusters. You will also use a library (created by us) that will "learn" how to best land on the rocket using your programmed landing strategy.

To receive full credit, you must be able to write a set of rules (i.e., an expert system) that can get the rocket to land on the boat "most of the time."

Estimated Workload

Big Picture

# Initializes the Simulation At Least Once

# Main "Game Loop"
while pythonGraph.window_not_closed():
    if is_simulation_over() == False:
    else:                                        # <-----   WE WILL BE ADDING CODE HERE
        analyze_results()                        # <-----   WE WILL BE ADDING CODE HERE

Expected Outcome

When you have completed this Gate Check, you will have an artificial intelligence that can learn how to efficiently land on the boat (given sufficient time)

Proceed to the next section.