Uses of Interface

Packages that use GridBackgroundDisplay

Uses of GridBackgroundDisplay in edu.kzoo.grid.display

Classes in edu.kzoo.grid.display that implement GridBackgroundDisplay
 class CheckeredBackgroundDisplay
          Grid Display Package:
The GridBackgroundDisplay interface specifies the method that must be provided by any class used to display a Grid background.
 class ScrollableGridDisplay
          Grid Display Package:
A ScrollableGridDisplay is a panel containing a scrollable graphical display of a grid.

Fields in edu.kzoo.grid.display declared as GridBackgroundDisplay
protected  GridBackgroundDisplay ScrollableGridDisplay.backgroundDisplay

Methods in edu.kzoo.grid.display with parameters of type GridBackgroundDisplay
 void ScrollableGridDisplay.setBackgroundDisplay(GridBackgroundDisplay bgDisplay)
          Sets the object used to draw the background.