"Escape to Pokagon" - Screenshot of Carr and Valerio's Program

Matt and Geoff created a GUI-based adventure engine which has an interesting approach to movement. To move, one clicks on the picture and travels in that direction. If you're currently heading east and need to go north, you click on the "Turn Left" button to change your orientation. The compass arrow at the upper right indicates where north is relative to your current directional heading. Each room has at least four pictures, so you can turn around and see your surroundings. In some rooms you can look up and down as well. Text areas are used to show room descriptions and other information, such as items present and messages to the user. A text field is presented so that users can enter commands to interact with the environment. The current score and the amount of stuff being carried in the hiker's inventory as a percent of total load capacity is also displayed.

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Web page created 9 February 2002 by John K. Estell, ECCS Department, Ohio Northern University.