Class SpellingBeeGraphics

  • public class SpellingBeeGraphics
    extends Object
    This class provides the graphics library framework for the SpellingBee application. The project handout describes the public methods in more detail.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addButton​(String name, SpellingBeeEventListener listener)
      Adds a button to the control strip.
      void addField​(String name, SpellingBeeEventListener listener)
      Adds a text field to the control strip at the bottom of the window, where the text field is defaulted to hold ten characters.
      void addField​(String name, SpellingBeeEventListener listener, int nchars)
      Adds a text field to the control strip at the bottom of the window, where the text field is large enough to hold nchars characters.
      void addWord​(String word)
      Adds a word to the word list displayed on the window.
      void addWord​(String word, Color color)
      Adds a word to the word list displayed on the window using the specified color.
      void clearWordList()
      Clears the word list and erases all entries from the window.
      String getBeehiveLetters()
      Returns the letters in the beehive, all in uppercase.
      String getField​(String name)
      Returns the text contained in the specified field.
      void setBeehiveLetters​(String letters)
      Sets the letters in the beehive on the window, placing the first letter in the center hex.
      void setField​(String name, String text)
      Sets the text contained in the specified field.
      void showMessage​(String msg)
      Displays a message in the message area at the bottom of the window.
      void showMessage​(String msg, Color color)
      Displays a message in the message area at the bottom of the window.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • SpellingBeeGraphics

        public SpellingBeeGraphics()
    • Method Detail

      • setBeehiveLetters

        public void setBeehiveLetters​(String letters)
        Sets the letters in the beehive on the window, placing the first letter in the center hex. The letters are converted to uppercase before displaying them.
        letters - The letters to put in the beehive
      • getBeehiveLetters

        public String getBeehiveLetters()
        Returns the letters in the beehive, all in uppercase.
        The letters in the beehive
      • clearWordList

        public void clearWordList()
        Clears the word list and erases all entries from the window.
      • addWord

        public void addWord​(String word)
        Adds a word to the word list displayed on the window.
        word - The word to be added
      • addWord

        public void addWord​(String word,
                            Color color)
        Adds a word to the word list displayed on the window using the specified color.
        word - The word to be added
        color - The color of the word
      • showMessage

        public void showMessage​(String msg)
        Displays a message in the message area at the bottom of the window.
        msg - The string to display
      • showMessage

        public void showMessage​(String msg,
                                Color color)
        Displays a message in the message area at the bottom of the window. This version of the method allows the caller to set the text color.
        msg - The string to display
        color - The color of the text
      • addField

        public void addField​(String name,
                             SpellingBeeEventListener listener,
                             int nchars)
        Adds a text field to the control strip at the bottom of the window, where the text field is large enough to hold nchars characters. When the user hits RETURN or ENTER in the text field, the implementation calls the specified listener function, passing in the value of the text field.
        name - The name of the text field, which appears as a label
        listener - A callback function that listens for a RETURN
        nchars - The number of characters in the field
      • addField

        public void addField​(String name,
                             SpellingBeeEventListener listener)
        Adds a text field to the control strip at the bottom of the window, where the text field is defaulted to hold ten characters.
        name - The name of the text field, which appears as a label
        listener - A callback function that listens for a RETURN
      • getField

        public String getField​(String name)
        Returns the text contained in the specified field.
        name - The name of the field
        The contents of the field
      • setField

        public void setField​(String name,
                             String text)
        Sets the text contained in the specified field.
        name - The name of the field
        text - The new contents of the field
      • addButton

        public void addButton​(String name,
                              SpellingBeeEventListener listener)
        Adds a button to the control strip. When the user clicks the button, the implementation calls the listener function, passing in the name of the button.
        name - The name of the button
        listener - The listener called when the button is clicked