
Josh Hug
Princeton University
Assignment developed for the summer programming course for scientists at Rockefeller University

Assignment materials

Part 1 (basic parsing and dataset visualizer)
Part 2 (advanced parsing and aggregate dataset analysis tools)
Datasets for part 1 and 2

Automated testing suite, solutions, and script for generating datasets from the official (much larger) Google dataset also available upon request by email.


The Google Ngram database provides ~3 terabytes of information about the frequencies of all observed words and phrases in English (or more precisely all observed kgrams). Google provides the Google Ngram Viewer on the web, allowing users to visualize the relative historical popularity of words and phrases.

In this assignment, students will build their own version of the Google Ngram Viewer for 1grams. They will then build three additional visualization tools to explore other aspects of the dataset that cannot be addressed using the Google Ngram Viewer.

Google n-grams viewer Tool 1 built by students on this assignment: 1-gram history viewer

The three additional visualization tools include the distribution of letters in the English language, the distribution of all word frequencies in English, and the length of the average word in English since the 1800s. Examples of each are shown below (with a restricted dataset to avoid spoilers).

Tool 2: Distribution of letters using
very small example file
Tool 3: Distribution of word frequencies
of words starting with Q (Zipf's law)
Tool 4: Average length of words from 1860-1880
Plot for 1800-present not shown (to avoid interesting spoiler)

Assignment Tasks

    Part 1

  1. Simple Wordfile parser. Build a simple parameterized CSV parser to extract information about a single word from the CSV file and store the results in an associative array mapping year to word count.
  2. Simple Totalfile parser. Build a simple CSV parser that reads in the total word counts for each calendar year and store the results in an associative array mapping word to total word count.
  3. Tool 1: History visualization tool. Given a list of words, create a graph of normalized word frequencies for each word. This results in a tool much like the Google Ngram Viewer (but without the web interface).

    Part 2

  4. Complex Wordfile parser. Build a CSV parser to read in the entire word count database stored in the Wordfile. Data will be stored in an associative array mapping word to an array of (year, count_in_year) pairs. If used in a Python course, this neatly utilizes most of our first class data structures (dictionaries, lists, and tuples).
  5. Tool 2: Letter frequency tool. Using the word_data generated by the Wordfile parser, create a bar plot of English letter frequencies.
  6. Tool 3: Total count vs. rank. Using the word_data sorted by decreasing order of word frequency, make a log-log plot with the count of each word on the y-axis, and the numerical ranking on the x-axis (i.e. the most common word in the English language would have rank 1, the next would have rank 2, and so forth). Optionally, include the ability to highlight words of interest (e.g. "questions" and "quest" on the plot showed in the summary above).

    Students will observe a roughly linear relationship on the plot. It is a surprising fact that the frequency of words and their rank should obey a power law. This is known as Zipf's law.

  7. Tool 4: Average word lengths per year. Using the word_data generated by the Wordfile parser, make a plot of the average length of the English word in all books from 1800 to present. The results may (or may not) surprise you! This is a fairly tricky task, and two helper functions are suggested in the provided course materials).


Summary Students parse Google's 1-gram dataset and store information in two different data structures. Using the first (and simpler) data structure, students create a tool for visualizing the relative historical popularity of a set of words (resulting in a tool much like Google's Ngram Viewer). Using the second (and more complex) data structure that includes the entire dataset, students build three tools that deal with aggregate properties of the data. Specifically, they build tools for visualizing the letter frequences of words in English, for observing the distribution of popularities of all English words (thus revealing Zipf's law), and for visualizing the average length of a word in English from the 1800s to present (revealing an interesting result).
string processing, arrays, associative arrays, file I/O, visualization
Intermediate. The entire assignment took 8 to 12 hours for students to complete (spread over two weeks). Length of assignment can be reduced by removing one or more of the visualization tools from the assignment.

Students liked being able to recapitulate a cool Google tool after only three weeks of programming experience.

There are lots of interesting things to learn from the dataset using the tools that students develop.

This dataset is actively being probed by researchers around the world, making it easy to steal ideas for further tools (see variants section below for more), including non-visual tools.


Functions are described at a high level, and weaker 1st-semester CS students may have a hard time conceptualizing how to convert these functions into well-organized code. For example, when counting up the frequencies of letters in English, they have to figure out that they need to store 26 counters, and further that these 26 counters must each be normalized by the sum of all of these counters.

Diversity of dataplot types so early in the course results in a significant amount of new syntax. Assignment materials attempt to address this by providing hints throughout.

The provided 100 megabyte dataset is only a small subset of the full 1-grams dataset, so students may be slightly disappointed to find that modern colloquialisms and niche terms may not appear. #swag

Library Dependencies
Requires matplotlib in Python (easy to install using widely available binaries). If adapted for another programming language, requires a simple but powerful visualization library.
Giving specific scientific and historical queries to answer with their tools could be a neat addition (e.g. do peaks in the term 'influenza' correspond to historical influenza outbreaks?) For more advanced students, the assignment could be expanded to include additional and more complex visualization tools.See this page for a few good ideas.