The purpose of this assignment is to give you more practice writing functions and programs in Python, and in particular writing code with strings, lists, and loops.
You should spend at least one hour reading through this handout to make sure you understand what is required, so that you don't waste your time going in circles, or worse yet, hand in something you think is correct and find out later that you misunderstood the specifications. Highlight the handout, scribble on it, and find all the things you're not sure about as soon as possible.
Automated authorship detection is the process of using a computer program to analyze a large collection of texts, one of which has an unknown author, and making guesses about the author of that unattributed text. The basic idea is to use different statistics from the text -- called "features" in the machine learning community -- to form a linguistic "signature" for each text. One example of a simple feature is the number of words per sentence. Some authors may prefer short sentences while others tend to write sentences that go on and on with lots and lots of words and not very concisely, just like this one. Once we have calculated the signatures of two different texts we can determine their similarity and calculate a likelihood that they were written by the same person.
Automated authorship detection has uses in plagiarism detection, email-filtering, social-science research and as forensic evidence in court cases. Also called authorship attribution, this is a current research field and the state-of-the-art linguistic features are considerably more complicated than the five simple features that we will use for our program. But even with our very basic features and simplifications, your program may still be able to make some reasonable predictions about authorship.
We have begun a program that guesses the author of a text file based on comparing it to a set of linguistic signatures. Download (Be sure to right click on the link in your browser so that you can use "save as" rather than cutting and pasting the code.) This program runs, but does almost nothing, because many of the functions' bodies do little or nothing. One symptom of this is that the program crashes if the user types in any invalid inputs. In particular, it requests the name of a directory (another name for folder) of linguistic signature files and expects the directory to contain only those files -- more about that later. Your task is to complete the program by filling in the missing pieces.
The program begins by asking the user for two strings: the first is the name of a file of text whose authorship is unknown (the mystery file) and the second is the name of a directory of files, each containing one linguistic signature.
The program calculates the linguistic signature for the mystery file and then calculates scores indicating how well the mystery file matches each signature file in the directory. The author from the signature file that best matches the mystery file is reported.
Before we go further, it will be helpful to agree on what we will
call a sentence, a word and a phrase.
Let's define a token to be a string that you get from calling
the string method split
on a line of the file.
We define a word to be a non-empty token
from the file that isn't completely
made up of punctuation. You'll find the "words" in a file by using
to find the tokens and then removing the puctuation from the words using the
function that we provided in
If after calling clean_up
the resulting word
is an empty string, then it isn't considered a word.
Notice that clean_up
converts the word to lowercase.
This means that once they have been cleaned up, the words yes, Yes and YES! will all be the same.
For the purposes of this assignment, we will consider a
to be a sequence of characters that (1) is terminated by (but doesn't include)
the characters
or the end of the file, (2) excludes whitespace on either end,
and (3) is not empty.
Consider this file.
Remember that a file is just a linear sequence of characters,
even though it looks two dimensional.
This file contains these characters:
this is the\nfirst sentence. Isn't\nit? Yes ! !! This \n\nlast bit :) is also a sentence, but \nwithout a terminator other than the end of the file\nBy our definition, there are four "sentences" in it:
Sentence 1 | "this is the\nfirst sentence" |
Sentence 2 | "Isn't\nit" |
Sentence 3 | "Yes" |
Sentence 4 | "This \n\nlast bit :) is also a sentence, but \nwithout a terminator other than the end of the file" |
Notice that:
Phrases are defined as non-empty sections of sentences that are separated by colons, commas, or semi-colons. The sentence prior to this one has three phrases by our definition. This sentence right here only has one (because we don't separate phrases based on parentheses).
We realize that these are not the correct definitions for sentences, words or phrases but using them will make the assignment easier. More importantly, it will make your results match what we are expecting when we test your code. You may not "improve" these definitions or your assignment will be marked as incorrect.
The first linguistic feature recorded in the signature is the
average word length.
This is simply the average number of characters per
word, calculated after the punctuation has been stripped using the already-written
clean_up function. In the sentence prior to this one, the
average word length
is 5.909. Notice that the comma and the final period are stripped but the
hyphen inside "already-written" and the underscore in "clean_up" are both
counted. That's fine.
You must not change the clean_up
function that does punctuation stripping.
Type-Token Ratio is the number of different words used in a text
divided by the total number of words. It's a measure of how repetitive the vocabulary is.
Again you must use the provided clean_up
function so that "this","This","this," and "(this"
are not counted as different words.
Hapax Legomana Ratio is similar to Type-Token Ratio in that it is a ratio using the total number of words as the denominator. The numerator for the Hapax Legomana Ratio is the number of words occurring exactly once in the text. In your code for this function you must not use a Python dictionary (even if you have already learned about them on your own or are reading ahead in class) or any other technique that keeps a count of the frequency of each word in the text. Instead use this approach: As you read the file, keep two lists. The first contains all the words that have appeared at least once in the text and the second has all the words that have appeared at least twice in the text. Of course, the words on the second list must also appear on the first. Once you've read the whole text, you can use the two lists to calculate the number of words that appeared exactly once.
The fourth linguistic feature your code will calculate is the average number of words per sentence.
The final linguistic feature is a measure of sentence complexity and is the average number of phrases per sentence. We will find the phrases by taking each sentence, as defined above, and splitting it on any of colon, semi-colon or comma.
Since several features require the program to split a string
on any of a set of different separators, it makes sense to write a helper
function to do this task. To do this you will complete the function
as described by the docstring in the
on each individual line.
Instead, create a single huge string that stores the entire file.
Then call split_on_separators
on that string.
This solution would waste a lot of space
for really large files but it will be fine for our purposes. You'll
learn about algorithms that can handle large files in a future course.
There are other ways where our assignment design isn't very efficient. For example, having the different linguistic features calculated by separate functions means that our program has to keep going over the text file doing many of the same actions (breaking it into words and cleaning them up) for each feature. This is inefficient if we are certain that anyone using our code would always be calculating all the features. However, our design allows another program to import our module and efficiently calculate a single linguistic feature without calculating the others. It also makes the code easier to understand, which in today's computing environment is often more important than efficiency.
We have created a set of signature files for you to use that have a fixed format. The first line of each file is the name of the author and the next five lines each contain a single real number. These are values for the five linguistic features in the following order:
In order to determine the best match between an unattributed text and the known signatures,
the program uses the function
which calculates and returns a measure of
the similarity of two linguistic signatures. You could imagine developing some
complicated schemes but our program will do almost the simplest thing
imaginable. The similarity of signatures a
and b
will be calculated as the sum of the
differences on each feature, but with each difference multiplied by a "weight" so
that the influence of each feature on the total score can be controlled. In other words,
the similarity of signatures a and b (Sab
) is the sum over all
five features of: the absolute value
of the feature difference times the corresponding weight for that feature.
equation below expresses this definition mathematically:
where fi,x
is the value of feature i
in signature
and wi
is the weight associated with feature
The example below illustrates. Each row concerns one of the five features. Suppose signature 1 and signature 2 are as shown in columns 2 and 3, and the features are weighted as shown in column 4. The final column shows the contribution of each feature to the overall sum, which is 16.5. It represents the similarity of signatures 1 and 2.
Feature number | Value of feature in signature 1 | Value of feature in signature 2 | Weight of feature | Contribution of this feature to the sum |
1 | 4.4 | 4.3 | 11 | abs(4.4-4.3)*11 = 1.1 |
2 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 33 | abs(0.1-0.1)*33 = 0 |
3 | 0.05 | 0.04 | 50 | abs(0.05-0.04)*50 = .5 |
4 | 10 | 16 | 0.4 | abs(10-16)*0.4 = 2.4 |
5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | abs(2-4)*4 = 8 |
SUM | 12 |
You are required to complete function
according to the docstring and you must not change the header. Notice that the list of
weights is provided to the function as a parameter.
We have already set the weights that your program will use (see the main block) so you
don't need to play around trying different values.
or raw_input
statement to use. Do not modify these.
and read_directory_name
must not use any for loops, or they will receive a mark of zero.
The purpose of this is to make sure you get comfortable with while loops.
or continue
Any functions that do will receive a mark of zero.
We are imposing this restriction (and we have not even taught you these
because they are very easy to "abuse," resulting in terrible code.
This program is much larger than what you wrote for Assignment 1, so you'll need a good strategy for how to tackle it. Here is our suggestion.
and have it import
your find_author
Add a main block to function_tester
: that is where you can
put your code that tests your individual functions. For now, it can just
say pass
In order to determine whether a file exists or not,
use the function os.path.exists
Give it a string that is the name of a file, and os.path.exists
will return a boolean
indicating whether or not the file exists.
The help for this function talks about giving it a path
(which is a description of the file and where it exists
among all your folders),
but if you give it a string that is simply a file name, it will check in
the folder in which your code is running.
Use the function os.path.isdir
to check if a string is a valid
, and hapax_legomana_ratio
Test this function carefully on its own before trying to use it in your other
Begin by writing code to extract the sentences from the file. Test that this part of
your code works correctly before you worry about calculating the average length.
and finally compare_signatures
module to confirm that your code passes
our most basic tests.
Correct any errors that this uncovers.
But of course if you did a great job of testing your functions as you wrote
them, you won't find any new errors now.
. To do this you will need to set up a
folder that contains only valid linguistic
signature files. We are providing a set of these on the
data files page You'll also want some mystery text files
to analyze. We have put a number of these on the
data files page.
If you are copying them to your home machine, don't put them in the
same folder as the linguistic signature files.
We are providing a module called
that imports your find_author
and checks that
most of the required functions
satisfy some of the basic
It does not check the two functions that involve input and output
with the user: get_valid_filename
When you run
, it should produce no errors and its output
should consist only of one thing: the word "okay".
If there is any other output at all,
or if any input is required from the user,
then your code is not following the assignment specifications correctly
will be marked as incorrect.
Go back and fix the error(s).
While you are playing with your program,
you may want to use the signature files and
mystery text files we have provided.
This in conjunction with
is still not sufficient testing to
thoroughly test all of your functions under all possible
With the functions on this assignment, there are many more possible cases
to test (and cases where your code could go wrong).
If you want to get a great mark on the correctness of your functions,
do a great job of testing them under all possible conditions.
Then we won't be able to find any errors that you haven't already fixed!
These are the aspects of your work that we will focus on in the marking:
Correctness: Your code should perform as specified. Correctness, as measured by our tests, will count for the largest single portion of your marks.
Docstrings: For each function that you design from scratch,
write a good
(Do not change the docstrings that we have already written for you.)
Make sure that you read the Assignment rules page for some important
rules and guidelines about docstrings.
Internal comments: Within functions, the more complicated parts of your code should also be described using "internal" comments. For this assignment, internal comments will be more important than on assignment 1.
Programming style: Your variable names should be meaningful and your code as simple and clear as possible.
Formatting style: Make sure that you read the Assignment rules page for some important rules and guidelines about formatting your code.
This assignment will be completed on your own without a partner.
You must hand in your work electronically, using the MarkUs online system. Instructions for doing so are posted on the Assignments page of the course website.
For this assignment, hand in just one file:
Once you have submitted, be sure to check that you have submitted the correct version; new or missing files will not be accepted after the due date. Remember that spelling of filenames, including case, counts. If your file is not named exactly as above, your code will receive zero for correctness.
If you carefully examine the mystery files and correctly code up your assignment, you'll see that it correctly classifies many of the documents -- but not all. Some of the linguistic features that we have used (type-token ratio and hapax legoamana ratio in particular) are standard techniques, but they may not be sufficient to do the classification task. There are other standard features and more sophisticated techniques that were too complicated for this assignment. Suppose you could use a Python dictionary to keep a count of how many times each word appeared in a document. What new linguistic features would that allow you to use? Some authors like to use lots of exclamation marks!!! or perhaps just a lot of punctuation?! Could you devise a linguistic feature to measure this? While this is fun to think about, do not add any different linguistic features to the version of the program that you submit for marking.
Another area for thought is how authorship attribution is related to plagiarism detection. In this TIME magazine article, plagiarism detection software is used to support the claim that Shakespeare was the author of an unattributed play.
In the field of machine learning (of which authorship detection is a subfield), programs often learn their own configuration values through training. In our case, could the program learn from trying to guess an author and then being told the right answer? Could it learn to adjust the weights being applied to the different features? What about learning a new feature? How would you do this?