Grading Criteria for Image Editor

Phase I Total: /24
Opens file correctly, aborts if not found. /6
Image header is correct. /6
Image body is correct. /6
File is closed properly. /6
Phase II Total: /32
negate_red /4
negate_green /4
negate_blue /4
flip_horizontal /4
grey_scale /4
flatten_red /4
flatten_green /4
flatten_blue /4
Phase III Total: /12
Menu displayed correctly. /2
Effects can be combined. /10
Style and Documentation Total: /32
Header comment. /6
Documentation of code, libraries, functions. /12
Indentation, formatting, use of whitespace. /10
Meaningful variable names. /4
Bonus (+10 possible)
Bonus 1 (+5)
Bonus 2 (+5)
Total: /100