Summary | Generic Scrolling Game -- fill in a few methods (headers provided) and end up with a very personalized and fun arcade game |
Topics | using objects, in the context of a 2-dimensional grid (similar to APCS's GridWorld) |
Audience | most appropriate for late CS1 or early CS2 |
Difficulty | This is a 1-week assignment of intermediate difficulty. |
Strengths | The great strength of this assignment is that it appears to students as an open-ended creative project, but each student is completing the same methods with essentially similar code, which makes it very easy for the course staff to support and grade. |
Weaknesses | Not aimed at introducing any particular topic. Best used for reinforcing object use and other CS1 topics. |
Dependencies | In its current implementation, it requires understanding of basic object-oriented concepts in Java, but very little else. (Send email if you would definitely use this assignment if it were in Python.) |
Variants |
Students discovered countless variations, including title and instruction screens, levels, increasing speed/difficulty, animation, etc. I also varied the assignment by requiring students to save and display the top 10 scores. The assignment could also be easily adapted to use the APCS GridWorld classes. (Send email if you would definitely use this assignment if it used GridWorld.) |
Extra info about this assignment: