Problem: Roll Your Own Dice!


Rolling dice is a basic staple of many games. To help you get a basic grasp of programming and to see program behaviors, you will be rolling dice at the mere click of a button.


For this problem, you will need to create a program that will roll two dice and display the sum of their values. You will need to implement the user interface below. Next to “Die 1” and “Die 2”, there should be a picture of two six-sided dice*. They will appear after clicking the “Roll ‘em!” button.


No input will be required.


The pictures will appear next to “Die 1” and “Die 2”. The sum of the two dice will appear in the box named “Total”.

*Note: We read the “front” face of the die for the value of the die rolls. For example, in the picture, the values are read as 3 and 2