Problem: Military Test Anxiety
In order to enter the army, a person must the Army Physical Fitness Test, or the APFT. For the APFT, a person must perform three tasks, which consist of push-ups, sit-ups, and a two mile run. When a person meets the passing requirements, this person is now qualified to join the army.
A person can earn a max score of 100 points on each task. However, in
order to pass the APFT, a person must score 60 points or better on each
task. There are also other variables that are applied, such as gender and
age. You will need to code the formulas for a 17-21 year old male taking
the APFT. The formulas* are as followed:
Number of push-ups * 1.42
Number of sit-ups * 1.6 – 24.8
Two Mile Run
- ((40 * running time) / 3) + (820 / 3)
*Note: Formulas will give you a rough approximation for each score. Please do not use if you are in the military and wondering what your score could be. Please consult your superior for more accurate information.
In addition to that, you will need to mimic the user interface below. The “calculate” button will take the values you entered in each field, calculate their scores, and total them up. The “clear” button will clear everything.
For the input, you will need to input the number of sit-ups and push-ups, along
with the time it took to do the two mile run. The time must be entered as
mm:ss (ex: 14:13).
For the output, you will need to display the total number of points acquired and whether or not one passed the APFT. The screen shot below shows a passing applicant and a failing one, along with the score displayed.