Problem: Simplified Sorting


When looking through a dictionary, everything falls in order. This makes looking for a specific word easier. However, sorting a group of words by hand can take time. With today’s technology, we can easily cut down the time it takes by having a computer do the work for us. You will write the program that performs this.


In this problem, you will need to write a program that will sort three Strings. It will mimic the simple user interface that is seen below.

A user of this programmer will then enter three Strings in the text fields on the left. When the “sort” button is clicked, the Strings will be placed into lexicographic order in the text fields on the right.


The input will consist of three Strings. Each String must be placed in its own text field. They may contain punctuation, numbers, symbols, and upper and lower case letters.


The output will consist of three text fields, containing the three Strings in lexicographic order. Lexicographic order is an ordering in which characters in their respective positions are compared (using their ASCII values) in order to determine whether one word comes before another. For example, “can” comes before “cat” because in the 3rd position, N comes before T. The actual Strings will not be changed.