Summary | In the GridPlotter assignment,
students draw pictures and patterns by placing color blocks in the cells
of a grid. The purpose of the assignment
is to provide practice developing loops and nested loops for working
with a two-dimensional data structure. The assignment uses a We provide students with a graphical user interface and a The graphical user interface class that we provide to students automatically
generates buttons for any
Acknowledgements: This assignment was inspired by the Dots program by Richard Rasala of Northeastern University. The Grid class and the graphical user interface used here come from a class library that was inspired by, and derived from, the AP ®Marine Biology Simulation (MBS) case study, whose graphical user interface was written by Julie Zelenski of Stanford University.
Topics | The primary topic is two-dimensional array processing, including traversals with nested loops, moving down the diagonals, filling in the area under a diagonal, etc. | ||||
Audience | This assignment is appropriate for CS 1. Students should be familiar
with one-dimensional arrays and the loops for traversing them. They
may also be familiar with two-dimensional arrays, or this assignment could
serve as an introduction to 2D data structures. The data structure
in this case is a grid of rows and columns, rather than a Java 2D array. Students
should also be somewhat familiar with classes and methods, since the assignment
asks them to write short methods of their own in the GridPlotter class,
and to use the ensureEmpty and placeColorBlock methods provided in that
class. |
Difficulty | We cover arrays and loops early in CS 1, so our students initially
view this assignment as quite difficult. The first methods they implement,
however, are very similar to the onRowMajorFillButtonClick method
that is provided to them. The methods that follow are carefully sequenced
to become progressively, but slowly, more difficult. We have not
seen any students unable to complete the assignment. Students with
previous background who might find it boring choose to implement additional,
more challenging methods, such as the CheckerFill and DrawGrid (a poor
name for a gingham pattern) examples above. |
Strengths | The assignment gives students repeated practice with a variety of two-dimensional traversal techniques, but rather than finding the assignment tedious they enjoy it. The sequencing of the methods that students implement is effective in allowing students to stretch their skills. The assignment is flexible enough to allow both strong and weak students to challenge themselves and succeed, both technically and creatively. The graphical output provides students with immediate feedback on what their algorithms are really doing. | ||||
Weaknesses | This assignment involves making small changes to a large program. Students may be uncomfortable working with a large program, much of which is black-box to them. They may also be uncomfortable working with aspects of the program that they do not understand, such as the automatic button generation and the Help menu. If students do not give an appropriate signature for their methods, they will not see buttons appear on the graphical user interface, but will not understand why not. Finally, they may also be disappointed not to be creating a program from scratch. | ||||
Dependencies | The assignment requires familiarity with one-dimensional arrays and at least some exposure to classes and methods. The automatic button generation feature, which frees students from having to write GUI code to execute their methods, requires the Grid Package software (grid.jar, provided as part of the zip file below). | ||||
Variants | We have developed an event-driven variant for CS 2. Instead of writing methods with controlling loops, students write iterator methods that, given the current state, return the next location in which to place a color block. This assignment is considerably more difficult for students to conceptualize, although the graphics do help to provide them with immediate feedback on their solutions. The most significant weakness of this variant is that its "iterators" do not really correspond to usual iterator objects. This, and other assignments using the Grid Package, are available from |
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