// ROOM 0 1 3 -1 2 5 5 0 Cafeteria.bmp You are in the cafeteria. You are in the cafeteria, where several students are seen crawling to the stomach pump after having eaten the Chef's Surprise. Peering through the door to the kitchen, you notice several clumps of cat hair on the butchers block. In the background, you hear the chef saying, "Prepared properly, cat tastes just like chicken - and it's cheaper!" END // ROOM 1 -1 3 -1 2 5 5 0 Witches.bmp You are in the witches' lair. There are three witches before you, all slowly chanting in unison: Mortal, we have summon thee, make haste! And go forth into the farrow'd waste. Find eye of newt, and toe of frog, And deliver thus to this Scottish bog. These things we need t' brew our charm; Bring them forth - and suffer no 'arm. Leave us and go! 'Tis no more to be said, Save if you fail, then thou be stricken, dead. END // ROOM 2 0 -1 2 -1 -1 -1 0 Entrance.bmp You're at the entrance to Pokagon State Park. You're at the entrance to Pokagon State Park. The employee at the gate is staring at you - I think she wants something. END // ROOM 3 2 0 1 4 5 -1 2 Classroom.bmp You're in the classroom. You're in class working on the Collegian crossword puzzle. You've missed Dr. Estell's historical commentary on the adventure game assignments he has given in his assembly language classes - lucky you! END // ROOM 4 0 3 1 2 -1 5 10 University.bmp You're at a small university. You're at a small university in Ohio. Several students are talking about BASIC, but they're not computer programmers. Off to one side there is a pack of barking squirrels in cheerleader outfits. Nearby there is a slightly deranged professor organizing a "smash the xylophone" fundraiser to provide suitable forage for one Laurie Sue Holstein... END // ROOM 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 Repository.bmp You're in the repository. This is a repository for Dave's Insanity Sauce. A bunch of Keebler elves covered head to toe in fire-retardant clothing are deftly handling batches of concentrated habanero pepper sauce and pouring it into bottles. END